
Tradesman transfer 27-10-2021 211027TM

Revising the pension of teachers retired from aided colleges after 01-01-2016 in UGC/AICTE/MES scale Circular 95-2021

Education-Technical-Ratio Promotion of Trade Instructors-Sanctioned- Orders Issued 211025TI

Select list for the post of lecturer in polytechnic colleges for the year 2021-22 211030LECT

Dress code for teachers govt order

Guide lines for appointing lectures in polytechnic college on contract basis: guest faculty


EEE lecturer transfer 2021: 03Aug21eel

WI/Demonstrator transfer 2021:: 30Jul21wiee

Principal promotion/reversion : GO 907-2021 (1)

EEE lecturer transfer draft: 11Jul21eel

GO lecturer post creation 12-07-2021: ms297 (1)

GO Lab/WI post creation in eng colleges  12-07-2021: GO Higher education 

JD promotion/transfer 2021: 24058_1625725425441

Placement under Career Advancement Scheme – Applications from qualified Lecturers called for – Reg: 05Jul21cas   05Jul21cas-REVISED

AICTE scheme implementation in govt/aided polytechnic college regarding 25June21AICTE

HEDN no fee increment : GO(Rt)No.800-2021-Hedn dated 17-06-2021

General transfer instructions: 19Jun21tnsfr

GPAIS premium payment time extended: GPAIS Premium

General transfer time extended :17Jun21tnsfr

GO lock down exemptions 15/06/2021 :GO lockdown exemptions 15.06.2021

Instruction regarding functioning of higher eduction institutions after partial withdrawal of lockdown 16/06/2021: 21109_1623830463006

Select List for the post of Principal in the vacancies which arose during 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 as per AICTE Regulations 2010: Prl

Select List for Joint Director in the vacancies which arose during 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,2018, 2019 and 2020: JD

Promotion to the post of Workshop Instructor seniority list preparation from eligible employees: 10Jun21ws-2

Promotion to lecturer post CR submission regarding :26May21EG1

Covid special casual leave: Covid Spl Casual leave